Filling Herbal Formulas - 抓中药方
For more than 40 years, Khan Hing Tong has provided quality Chinese herbs and goods to our customers. Our expertise and large selection of herbs can fill most Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas given by herbalists and TCM practitioners. Now, our wide variety of products and expertise can be delivered straight to you. Please provide your TCM formula by one of the methods below. Once we confirm stock of the herbs to fill your formula, we will contact you about the price and other details about the order. With your confirmation, we will package the formula in individual packages to be brewed. Should you have any questions that are not answered in the FAQ, feel free to contact us.

Sending Your Herbal Formula - 发中药方给我们
Given the complexity and multiple combinations of herbs in each formula, each personalized herbal formula has its own price. Please send us your herbal formula by any of the following methods:
- Email:
- SMS: 916-862-0719
- Fax: 916-391-2311 (please provide telephone or email by fax)
- WeChat name or phone number: khanhingtong or 916-862-0719
- Provide list of herbs or upload image of formula via the form below.