Thuốc Xông Bác Thái 蔡氏感冒焗汗料 感冒焗身
Thuốc Xông Bác Thái 蔡氏感冒焗汗料 感冒焗身
**For External Use Only**
Hướng dẫn: Cho trà đã nướng vào nồi đun sôi, đun thêm mười lăm phút nữa thì tắt bếp, thêm vài giọt dầu thuốc tống hơi vào để che đi mồ hôi do khí nướng gây ra, bệnh sẽ thuyên giảm. người sẽ cảm thấy thoải mái hơn.
Instructions: Put the baked tea into a pot and bring to a boil. After boiling for another fifteen minutes, turn off the heat. Add a few drops of carminative oil(驅風油) to cover up the sweating caused by the baking gas. The disease will be alleviated and the person will feel more comfortable.
[Bac Thai Herbal Mix (External Use Only) 7 oz]
Warning: If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, consult your physician before using this product.
Disclaimer & Precautions: Statements and descriptions have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Use Chinese herbs or herbal extracts with caution. Professional advice is suggested. In TCM, Chinese herbs are often combined in the context of formulas to enhance each other's desirable action and to minimize any potential side effect. Consult a professional if you are pregnant or are taking any prescription medications or Western medications as it can cause interference or have a strong effect on the body.
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